Picture this. . . waking up in a taxi hours away from home in your pajamas. Taxi driver informs you that you have arrived at the location that you requested which just happens to be a suicide hotspot. You feel as though you have been drugged, you have a suicide note in your pocket which has been written in your own handwriting. The trouble is you only remember going to bed the night before. Bibliophiles after reading the first three pages of this book I knew that I had to figure out who was trying to stage Sally Hilman's "Sal" suicide. I continuously questioned myself about Sal's motives for trying to kill herself, if she was really trying to kill herself and most importantly why she could not recall this elaborate plan. If you're looking for thrills I would suggest reading this book, there were many times where I was most certain that I knew the plot; ie why Sal would want to kill herself? who would have the motive to possibly want to kill her? Still the ending surprised me 😰.
Hello fellow book lovers! So this week I came across my first Novel In Verse! Titled: "We Come Apart" Written by Brian Conaghan and Sarah Crossan . I wont lie to you, for the mere fact that it was the first time that I had ever read a novel with this structure, it took me a day or two to get into the book. However, I quickly fell in-love with the characters, the story and the structure. The book is split into three parts and as mentioned the structure is in verse. We come apart has two main characters, Nicu who has emigrated from Romania, and is awaiting to be married without his consent. The second main character is Jess who comes from a home plagued with domestic violence, her mother is dating a man named Terry who is abusive in many different ways, and he often goes to the extent of making Jess film the abuse. Jess and Nicu have their daily struggles which bring them together and which also stand to separate them. What I lo...
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