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Showing posts from May, 2017

Service Station in Melville

The Service Station in Melville not only has the yummiest pancakes, and great cappuccinos, it's also a great environment to take your book out for a date ❤. 

Thrills! "Everything You Told Me-Lucy Dawson"

Picture this. . . waking up in a taxi hours away from home in your pajamas. Taxi driver informs you that you have arrived at the location that you requested which just happens to be a suicide hotspot. You feel as though you have been drugged, you have a suicide note in your pocket which has been written in your own handwriting. The trouble is you only remember going to bed the night before. Bibliophiles after reading the first three pages of this book I knew that I had to figure out who was trying to stage Sally Hilman's "Sal" suicide. I continuously questioned myself about Sal's motives for trying to kill herself, if she was really trying to kill herself and most importantly why she could not recall this elaborate plan. If you're looking for thrills I would suggest reading this book, there were many times where I was most certain that I knew the plot; ie why Sal would want to kill herself? who would have the motive to possibly want to kill her? Still the endin...

The Shack-WM Paul Young

I have read many books in my life but none quite like The Shack , which not only shook the core beliefs or ideals of the main character Mackenzie Allen Phillips also known as "Mack", but quite honestly my own. The Shack starts pre-tragedy where Mack takes his three children on a camping trip, on this camping trip certain events lead to the abduction of his youngest daughter Missy by the " Little LadyKiller ". Four years later Mack has sunken into what he describes as " The Great Sadness ", in this time he finds a letter in his post box from "Papa", a name that his wife uses to refer to God, inviting him to come to the Shack. The Shack is of great significance as this is where they found his daughters bloodied clothing.  He immediately assumes that this letter must come from the Little LadyKiller , however at the same time cannot understand how the serial killer would know to sign it with the words "Papa". Without giving away too man...

eBooks, Audiobooks, or the old fashioned book ?!

Old school vs New school image by Noluthando Empirically speaking the presence of all things digital has really impacted on the way in which people interact with the world. There are many reasons that people opt for eBooks or audio-books over printed books. A personal example that I can think of would probably be of my travels to Cape Town last year in December. I took three books with me, they took up a lot of space on their own, but I could not decide on whether to leave "The Picture of Dorian Gray" or "Good me Bad Me". Fast forward to Cape Town, turns out I am not the only person that enjoys reading even when I am on holiday. However I noticed a huge difference between my printed books safely packed in my suitcase, which took up the potential space for an extra T-shirt or two; and the ever so handy Kindle. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to get you to favor one over the other we all have our preferences for different reasons. I just realized tha...

A must read biography "Trapped-Sam Scarborough"

Trapped-Sam Scarborough image by Noluthando Trapped-Sam Scarborough A Strong Woman's Triumph over Abuse How do you know when you are being verbally and emotionally  abused?  The scary truth is somewhere in the world someone is asking themselves this question. South African Sam Scarborough found herself in this predicament whereby she found love, moved across the world with her daughter based on her trust of the man she fell inlove with. However after arriving in London everything seemed to change, his behavior, lies and then the verbal and emotional abuse . The author could not believe her counter parts sudden change in behavior, even goes far to say that she thought she was imagining it all, so she decided to start documenting the abuse. This is a gripping biography follows the experiences and emotions that the author endured during her time in London. It is extremely gripping, I finished it in a matter of three days. Not many authors can make you feel their pain, co...

The Perfect Book

Veronica Roth-Carve The Mark. Image by Noluthando The Perfect Book, do you choose it? Or does it choose you? I don't if I am the only one who has literal anxiety when having to decide on what book to buy or choose; mainly for the reason that books are expensive and its imperative that you make the right choice the first time. thus with such tough decision I thought to share my method of making the 'right' choice or finding that 'perfect' book. I must admit that I hardly ever choose to read a book because everyone is ranting and raving about it at certain period of time. I honestly feel, that it is easy to be swept up into the hype of the book and miss what truly makes it amazing because you just want to read it because everyone who is anyone is reading it. This is part of the reason why I have read a lot of popular books some time after their popularity has died down a bit. Let us get back to how I pick my favorite book, it is clearly not based on populari...

Have a craft beer while you read your favorite novel?

Blackhorse Cider Image by Noluthando   The Craft Beer Library   Hello fellow Bibliophiles!, Just a week ago I was in Linden with my boyfriend trying out something new at an eatery called the "Craft Beer Library" situated in Linden. It is known for it's wide variety of craft beers and it's delicious food to pair with it. Now I know you're trying to piece together how this would be a great environment to read a book? Trust me when I say, the thought crossed my mind while sitting at my table, with my pink cider, on how perfect of an environment this would be for my future escapes!. I must add that my judgement could be based on the time of day that I arrived and spent at the CBL, which was around 12 pm to about 2pm during the day; nonetheless it was an amazing environment, beautiful interior and the sun was shining. I cannot end this blog post without giving you a little insight on my meal. I ordered "The Hogshead" which is pulled pork on a crunchy...

A Tragic Kind of Wonderful-Eric Lindstrom

How do I know when I have found the perfect book?  Well bibliophiles that's simple. . .when I cannot put it down, when I read it while eating dinner, when I stay up till 3am in the morning to finish it, and most importantly when all the above happens in seven hours. A TRAGIC KIND OF WONDERFUL is that book.  Readers are introduced to Mel Hannigan who struggles with Bipolar disorder, who is also still mourning the death of her brother; whom also struggled with with Bipolar disorder . Other than her family, and her doctor no one else is really aware of her disorder and for this reason she keeps everyone at a distance. This book will take you through a roller coaster of emotions, it touches on various topics, including mental illness and suicide. If anything this book was informative and the ending is purely heart wrenching

Novels in Verse hmmm? "We Come Apart"-Brian Conaghan and Sarah Crossan

Hello fellow book lovers!  So this week I came across my first Novel In Verse! Titled: "We Come Apart" Written by Brian Conaghan and Sarah Crossan . I wont lie to you,  for the mere fact that it was the first time that I had ever read a novel with this structure,  it took me a day or two to get into the book. However, I quickly fell in-love with the characters, the story and the structure. The book is split into three parts and as mentioned the structure is in verse.  We come apart has two main characters, Nicu who has emigrated from Romania, and is awaiting to be married without his consent. The second main character is Jess who comes from a home plagued with domestic violence, her mother is dating a man named Terry who is abusive in many different ways, and he often goes to the extent of making Jess film the abuse. Jess and Nicu have their daily struggles which bring them together and which also stand to separate them.  What I lo...